Dating apps have provided us with the ability to meet people easier. While apps have become a game-changer, people should be warned to use them cautiously.
Before dating sites, you may try to meet someone through a friend, family member, or even at work. In these instances, there is some credibility of that person. With traditional dating, you have an idea of who the person is and what they are like.
As the number of people meeting strangers online increases, users of dating apps should be cautious. With online dating, there is no credibility, as you cannot know who these people really are.

What is Stranger Danger?
“Stranger danger” is the concept that all strangers, or a person we don’t know well, could be potentially dangerous. Though the concept is more commonly used to urge children not to talk to strangers, the concept can also apply to adults.
People should try to learn more about the person before meeting them in person when using dating apps. Though you expect every date to go well, dating can be difficult and occasionally even scary.
With dating apps, you can only learn much about a person before meeting them. For instance, you may not know that your date has anger management issues or are emotionally unstable. No matter how much you think you know someone from a dating app, you never fully know who they are.
How to Avoid Stranger Danger
Internet dating apps have become a popular way for singles to meet new people, but they can also be a breeding ground for criminals looking to take advantage of unsuspecting users. Here are six tips to help you stay safe when using dating apps:
1. Never give out personal information too early
When you’re chatting with someone on a dating app, it’s important to remember that you don’t know them. They could be anyone and may not have your best interests at heart. For this reason, you should never give out personal information like your address, phone number, or email address too early in the relationship. Wait until you know someone better and feel comfortable trusting them before sharing this information.
2. Research online (social media and google search for their name)
Another way to help protect yourself is to research the person you’re talking to online. A simple Google search can reveal a lot of information about someone, and you can also check their social media profiles to get an idea of who they are. If you’re not finding anything, or if what you’re finding doesn’t match up with what they’ve told you about themselves, it’s possible that they’re not being truthful. In this case, it’s best to move on.
3. Tell a friend when you go on a date
It is always a good idea to let a friend or family member know when you’re going on a date, especially if it’s with someone you met online. This way, someone will know where you are and who you’re with if something happens. Be sure to give your friend or family member all the details, including the person’s name, where you’re meeting them, and what time you expect to be home.
4. Choose a public setting for a date
A public setting is always the best choice for the first date for your safety and theirs. A crowded bar or coffee shop is ideal, as there will be other people around if something happens. If you’re meeting at someone’s home, let a friend or family member know the address and plan to leave by a specific time.
5. Stay sober
Don’t drink too much on a first date, as this can make you more vulnerable to attack. It’s also important to keep an eye on your drink, as criminals have been known to slip drugs into them to take advantage of their victims. If you start to feel dizzy or nauseous, or if you can’t remember what happened after a certain point in the evening, get to a safe place and call for help.
6. Have an exit strategy
Lastly, it’s always a good idea to have an exit strategy in mind, just in case things go wrong. If you’re on a date and you start to feel uncomfortable, make up an excuse to leave. If you’re at someone’s home, know where the exits are and plan how to get out quickly if you need to.
In Closing
When using dating apps, be sure to be cautious. Get to know the person you’re talking to as much as you can before going on a first date in person.
Make sure you have an exit strategy, and it’s a good idea to use dating safety technology and apps in case of emergencies.
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