Is it Possible to Safely Exchange Information on a Dating App?
How to safely exchange information on an online dating app
Online dating apps can sometimes feel like the wild west when it comes to meeting new people, particularly when it comes time to exchange information. Your online dating profile should be an accurate reflection of you, but only put as much information as you feel comfortable with.
Some people feel safer leaving less personal information on their dating site profiles, others feel comfortable sharing more. As long as you remember to stay safe by protecting your information and privacy, you should have no problems communicating safely on online dating sites and apps.
When should you start to exchange information with someone you met online?
Because every dating relationship is different, the best time to exchange information with someone you meet online is going to vary from person to person. Some people prefer to meet in person first before giving out their phone number, others prefer after.
It is typically considered socially acceptable to exchange information after having a few meaningful conversations and either right before or after you plan to meet in public. But again, this varies for everyone. In general, try to get a good feel for the person before sharing personal information or personal details.
What information is safe to share with someone you met online?
It’s up to you to decide what information you want to share with people you meet online. You might want to consider giving your phone number first because that way you can stay in direct control of the communication by call or text.
Don’t be afraid to check your privacy settings first before sharing any type of personal information, especially on social media. The more public your information is, the more material someone can find about you online—good and bad.
What information should you avoid sharing with someone you met online?
Be cautious of any individual who asks you for your contact information right away after initiating conversation. It is an immediate red flag if you say no or try to divert the conversation and they still ask for personal information. Anyone pestering you to give out your phone number, address, social media accounts, or even banking information, is likely up to no good.
If someone is pushing you to give out personal information, you are well within your rights to report that individual on the app. Remember that dating is a two-way street, so if you ever feel unsafe with one of your partners, you certainly do not need to continue talking to them. You should never have to feel uncomfortable using a dating app.