Dating in today’s world has gotten harder for everyone, but especially for women in particular. So much so, the Pew Research Center has found that 67% of daters believe that their dating life isn’t going well at all.

If you’re struggling with your dating life, you’re not alone. Although dating can be difficult, there are ways you can prepare yourself for future dates so that you train your mind to watch out for any negative signs or red flags they might give off.
Today, we’re going to talk about the top ten dating red flags that are taking over the dating world. When you start dating, pay attention to these worthwhile signs and behaviors so that you will then be able to manage your relationships accordingly.
What are dating red flags for Women?
It’s become common to call any warning signs of potentially toxic or unhealthy relationships a “red flag.” Red flags are often characterized by traits, actions, or behaviors a partner will display that (intentionally or not) intrude on your personal boundaries and respect. These warning signs can be experienced both by text and by in-person interactions.
Some people use red flags as a way to project or mask their true feelings, and others use red flags as a defense mechanism or because it is a communication style that they learned through other people in their life.
Regardless of why people choose to behave this way, it’s important to recognize signs of dating red flags at all stages of a relationship to better understand if your partner is someone you want to continue spending your time and energy on.

First Date Red Flags for Women to Know
Depending on how big your crush for this person might be, it might be easy to focus on all of their admirable qualities and forget that everyone has some bad habits, too.
Remember to keep your wits about you and to stay as level-headed as possible. Enjoy your time on your date and try to focus on how the other person made you feel by the end of your time together.
With that being said, let’s take a look at some first date red flags.
1. Lack of Interest/Passing Judgment
The whole point of dating is getting to know new people that you could see yourself spending more time with. This is cut short when your date either feigns interest in your hobbies or completely dismisses them. Or even worse, if they judge you entirely for the things you like.
Overly judgemental behavior or genuine lack of interest in the things that matter to you is a large red flag that this relationship might not be a good idea.
2. Not Asking Questions About You/Only Talking About Themselves
It’s natural to be a bit nervous going on a first date, which sometimes leads to people talking about themselves a lot. Most people have enough self-awareness to recognize when they’ve been talking about themselves for too long, and will then offer time for you to contribute to the conversation.
If your date doesn’t give you the time of day to bring up your own experiences or interests, that’s a major red flag.
3. They Put You Down
If your date outwardly puts you down, run for the hills! No one who is trying to find love should be making other people feel bad about themselves. Think of the way you talk to the ones you care about – if your date doesn’t reciprocate, it’s time to move on.
If your date makes a rude comment (in person or over messaging) you should consider it a warning sign that they aren’t ready for cultivating a caring relationship yet.
Early Relationship Red Flags
Let’s say you’ve already made it past the first few dates, and you and your partner are going steady. You’re still likely getting to know your partner’s communication, so be on the lookout for any changes that might be cause for concern.
4. Lack of Trust
Establishing trust is an important element of any relationship. If your partner insists on searching through your phone, asks where you are at all times, or questions your relationships with other people, it is likely that they have a severe lack of trust.
Unwarranted distrust is a major red flag that they’ve been hurt in the past, or are struggling with something deeper. Ultimately, a lack of trust is definitely going to be something you need to address in your relationship.
5. Pushes Their Lifestyle Onto You
Dating people with fun hobbies is always new and exciting…except when their lifestyle creeps onto yours. Maybe they’re fitness buffs and are constantly trying to get you to be active with them. It’s sweet that they want to spend more time with you, but not if the activity is something you’re simply not interested in.
Be mindful if your partner tries to push their lifestyle onto you, and ask them why they aren’t more open to the things you like to do as well.
6. Tries to Separate You From Family And Friends
If you notice your significant other tries to point out all the worst traits in your friends and family, they might be trying to manipulate you.
For instance, if they know about a pain point between your familial relationships, they might try to use that pain point as a way for you to push away the people in your life that truly care about you. This can create heavy rifts in your relationships with others which may result in you relying even more on your partner.
This is one of the biggest red flags of gaslighting and manipulation, one that should not be dismissed lightly.
Long-Distance Relationship Red Flags
Long-distance relationships are hard, and unfortunately, with distance creates a lot of room for miscommunication and red flags, too.
7. Becoming Distant
You might notice your significant other messaging or video chatting you less than normal. It adds a layer of difficulty considering you can’t see them in person, but it should not be taken lightly.
Not wanting to make plans or following through with plans is a big red flag that should be addressed early on in the relationship. They might be growing tired of the relationship and are avoiding talking about it.
8. Giving Less Effort
Similarly, if your long-distance partner is beginning to put in noticeably less effort, they might be avoiding talking about something that’s on their mind.
You deserve to be with someone that wants to put in the effort to nurture the relationship, so consider this red flag a warning of a deeper discussion that needs to be had.
Long-Term Relationship Red Flags
Unfortunately, red flags don’t stop at the first date or early relationship. Dating red flags can creep in and rear their ugly heads at any point of the relationship, no matter how long you two have been together.
9. Gaslighting
Gaslighting is a cruel manipulation tactic where someone invalidates your thoughts, opinions, and feelings in a way that makes you feel crazy for having them in the first place.
If you and your partner get into an argument, your partner might gaslight you into thinking your anger is unfounded. This can be extremely annoying and cause a lot of frustration in the relationship, so be wary of this red flag.
10. Physical or Emotional Abuse
The absolute worst thing your partner can do is abuse you either physically or emotionally. This warning sign tops the list as the absolute worst thing your partner can do. In times of violence and abuse, it can be difficult to speak up and seek help, but it’s important that you do.
Closing: Dating Red Flags for Women
From time to time, you may wonder if something your partner said or did that upset you was unwarranted. Maybe it was a red flag you missed before? Regardless, it’s important to always follow your gut feeling. Some red flags can be worked through with honest and open communication. Others are absolute deal breakers and both parties should evaluate the relationship.
Dating is a two-way street, and it’s important to stay safe and mindful of any potential red flags. All romantic relationships should feel like healthy relationships. Contact if you have any dating safety advice you’d like to share with others.
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